Dreamcatcher: Luck Inside 7 Doors Australia 2025 Tour, Melbourne Town Hall, Melbourne, March 14th 2025 – K-Pop Live Review

In 2019, Dreamcatcher were meant to perform in Melbourne.

While the 4th Generation K-Pop girl group did visit Australia, unfortunately due to the venue having a major fire incident the night before, Dreamcatcher’s Melbourne concert the following day could not go ahead, nor could any show that was scheduled that week. Melbourne fans, including myself, were devastated.

Although the group did visit some Dreamcatcher fan-made street art in the city and there was a cute little impromptu meeting that followed for some lucky fans who were in the right place at the right time, Dreamcatcher never got to perform in Melbourne… until now.

JiU, SuA, Siyeon, Handong, Yoohyeon, Dami and Gahyun are back in Australia, with Dreamcatcher finally making their Melbourne debut on Friday the 14th of March 2025 at Melbourne Town Hall, as part of their Luck Inside 7 Doors Australia 2025 Tour, proudly presented by Dreamcatcher Company, Box Live Australia and Feng Yu.

As the first stop of their two-city Australian tour, Dreamcatcher were super excited to be performing for Melbourne InSomnias (fandom name) for the first time. For some, it was a wonderful reunion. For others, it’s been a long time coming to finally see Dreamcatcher perform live here in Melbourne.

Fans patiently waited hours earlier to get the best spot closest to the stage at Melbourne Town Hall. However, if you wanted to sit, the second level was filled with seats available where patrons could comfortably enjoy the performance with great views. Despite Dreamcatcher’s official lightstick not being sold at the event (one of K-Pop’s most wanted and highly sought after lightsticks), many attendees proudly wielded their MongMongies (lightstick name) like wizard staffs, occasionally pumping them into the air at appropriate moments. I was very grateful to be one of those with the rare lightstick and it was so much fun waving it around in sync to Dreamcatcher’s unique music.

After the girls were displayed seated at a round table in a VCR while wearing their iconic black and gold accented velvet capes, blowing out a candle together, the stage promptly filled with smoke machine effects, and everyone knew that the appearance of our K-Pop queens was imminent. The Dreamcatcher members stepped onto the Melbourne Town Hall stage and were welcomed with excited cheers from the eager Melbourne audience.

Performing a rearranged version of ‘Full Moon’, followed by the Carol version of ‘Wonderland’, Dreamcatcher exhibited excellent vocals, cool choreography, their signature sound, and an undeniable captivating stage presence from the very beginning. This was before greeting their Melbourne InSomnias exclaiming, Dreamcatcher has finally arrived in Melbourne! Today you’ll finally get to find out what we’re made of. Our songs are great, but they sound even better when they’re performed live on stage.” True to their word, Dreamcatcher provided an irrefutable high energy that was consistently maintained throughout the entirety of the Melbourne concert.

Every song performed by Dreamcatcher was aced with passion, confidence and precision. Despite a strange section in the setlist dedicated purely to Christmas (in March!), every moment that Dreamcatcher was on stage was thoroughly entertaining.

Diehard InSomnia proudly cheered fanchants throughout the night, with crowd favourite songs performed including ‘Rising’ which had all patrons with lightsticks raise their staffs into the air and wave them around in unison which looked pretty damn cool, ‘Scream’ which had InSomnia loudly screaming along to the chorus, ‘STΦMP!’ which had everyone fist pumping into the air (with or without lightsticks), and ‘JUSTICE’ which had the Melbourne audience roaring, just to name a few. Slower numbers ‘Jazz Bar (Carol version)’ and ‘Fireflies’, were also welcome additions to the setlist, the latter of which had the entire Melbourne audience lovingly wave their phone lights in the air to look just like fireflies, making for a beautiful moment and gift for everyone present.

There were many fun moments for fans throughout the show and Dreamcatcher were super interactive for all of it. Shown throwing roses into the Melbourne crowd and attentively making sure that every section of the venue including the upper second level received some of love and attention, Dreamcatcher are evidently seasoned masters of their craft. JiU, who came to my side of the stage a lot, was super cute and sweet with her fans, frequently making heart gestures and waving to patrons whenever she had the chance when she wasn’t singing.

There was also room for silly and fun moments, including where Yoohyeon gestured to her mum and brother who were seated on the second level in the audience. The family members appeared to be very bashful and a little embarrassed once they saw themselves pictured on the big screen, which was then followed by Yoohyeon doing an impromptu sexy dance with Gahyun. Plus, there was a whole moment where SuA introduced some of the spotlights on the stage as part of her back-up crew, even giving them their own names. It was hilarious!

It wasn’t all enjoyable chaos at Dreamcatcher’s Melbourne concert. During their intimate farewell session, everyone in the room was serious and emotional. JiU, the leader of the group, reassured InSomnia that Dreamcatcher is forever!”, while Yoohyeon burst into tears and the rest of the Dreamcatcher members followed suit, quickly taking turns to carefully wipe each other’s tears away. Dreamcatcher displayed their keenness to return to Melbourne, with many fans cheering in response and hoping this comes to fruition. Yes, even if it takes another 6 years, although hopefully not that long (and hopefully they perform ‘Good Night’ next time).

Highlights of the Melbourne concert included finally hearing the iconic ‘BOCA’ and ‘Déjà vu’ live, the latter beginning with an acapella intro that fully showcased Dreamcatcher’s solid strength as a team, their powerful vocals fiercely piercing the air before the music kicked in. ‘BONVOYAGE’ felt like an anthem that had the Melbourne audience emotional. Plus, ‘Silent Night’ was such lively and dynamic moment for both Dreamcatcher and their fans, with absolutely everyone jumping around and dancing to their heart’s content. Honestly, it was the best!

In a visit that was well worth the wait, Dreamcatcher dazzled Melbourne fans for the first time with their indisputable talents, stunning vocals, mesmerising dance skills, unique music, and irresistible charisma. However, what stood out the most at Dreamcatcher’s Melbourne concert was their genuine love for their fans and for each other.

Dreamcatcher are a phenomenal force to be reckoned with in K-Pop. Seeing strong, mature and confident women in K-Pop is always a rare blessing. In Dreamcatcher’s 8 years together, the group have ferociously filled the void of providing ‘the rock in K-Pop’ that has them in a league of their own. One would hope that these powerful ladies in K-Pop will remain resilient and continue to make music for years to come. I know that Melbourne will be happy to welcome Dreamcatcher back with open arms, should they return.

Dreamcatcher performed in Melbourne for the first time on Friday March 14th at Melbourne Town Hall as part of their Luck Inside 7 Doors Australia 2025 Tour, proudly presented by Dreamcatcher Company, Box Live Australia and Feng Yu. Dreamcatcher will perform their final show of their Australian leg today in Sydney on Sunday March 16th at Sydney Town Hall.
For more information and ticketing, visit:

Photography by Grant Alexander, who shot this on his birthday.

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