Hedwig is a complicated being.
From a young age they have struggled to identify who they are and what their purpose is, always on the search for their ‘other half’. Today, far from their East Berlin home, now living in a trailer park in America’s Midwest, Hedwig spends their evenings playing shows with their band The Angry Inch, hoping to put their checkered past behind them and make it big.
Presented by GWB Entertainment, Andrew Henry Presents and Adelaide Festival, although Hedwig and the Angry Inch was created in the 90s, it’s a timeless story that’s still so relevant in the current world we live in. Directors Shane Anthony and Dino Dimitriadis have given the source material a modern polish, with some updated references and themes, but at its heart, it’s still the original story of self-discovery and evolution.
The production team chose the perfect venue for this show, and one of my favourite Adelaide venues, The Queens Theatre. Every show I have been to in this wonderful theatre carefully uses this space so creatively, and Hedwig and the Angry Inch is no exception. The street entrance of the Adelaide venue had been turned into a Midwest American trailer park with Yeehaw Bar slinging drinks. Plus, there’s Hedwig‘s Caravan to sit in and experiences and plenty of cosy places to hang out before the show. Not to mention, the smart decorations of laundry hanging from strings above. It was fully immersive and really transports you into part of that world. Make sure you get to the venue early, have a drink or two and really soak up the atmosphere. Heck, there’s even a secret bar for you to find!
The theatre itself is almost a character in its own right. The production make full use of the space, with a small round stage with a jutting stairway in the centre of the theatre, a quite unique setup. I also loved the creative use of lighting and shadows throughout the show, as they projected shadows onto walls in moments, a real creative touch.
Now, had no doubt that Seann Miley Moore would be amazing in the lead role of Hedwig. Having previously seen their stunning work in Miss Saigon, I was extremely excited for this show and my expectations were far exceeded. Seann put on one of the most captivating performances I have ever experienced. Seann Miley Moore is a powerhouse!
Seann embodies the role of Hedwig with a cheeky grin and tough exterior, but also a deep sense of vulnerability and rawness that lets you deeply connect with Hedwig and their tragic story. I would not be surprised if it was just them with the costume thrown on. It felt like they were having the time of their life bringing this iconic character to the Adelaide stage, which really helps you get drawn into the show. And whether you are quietly enjoying yourself, clapping along or stomping your feet, the energy in the room is infectious!
Yitzhak is the backbone of the team, also Hedwig‘s Jewish husband who returned to America after meeting Hedwig on a European tour. Adam Noviello tackles the role of Yitzhak so amazingly and while they don’t have a huge amount of dialogue, they’re so emotive with their facial expressions and body language, you can just tell that there’s something simmering deep down inside that’s wanting to burst out. Their sour puss performance not only added comedic depth to the show, it also created a tension that was heavy in the air. I loved it!
It wouldn’t be a musical without a band, and The Angry Inch were freaking amazing, performing one of the most rockin’ musical scores (music and lyrics by Stephen Trask) that I have ever heard! Being a passionate and big punk music fan, it was super easy to see the inspiration it and, influenced by the genre with its gritty, grungy rolling bass, roaring guitar and pounding drums, plus the addition of keyboards to round out the sound. The band consists of musical director and keyboardist Victoria Falconer, guitarist Glenn Moorhouse, bassist Felicity Freeman, and drummer Jarrad Payne. They were freakin’ flawless and well-rehearsed, carrying and building on the energy of Hedwig to put on a brilliant blistering show.
Then comes the costumes, which I think consist almost entirely of denim! Baggy denim jeans, denim vests, denim skirts and of course, Hedwig‘s amazing denim leotard! The creativity in these handcrafted pieces is outstanding, as most of them look to be patched together from hundreds of offcuts. It really captures a certain period and gives the show a unique iconic look. But the piece that blew me away the most was the wig coat. Yes, a coat made completely of blond wigs, which Seann rocked without even flinching, even on a balmy summer evening. Praise goes to Nicol & Ford for these wonderful creations!
Seann also smashes down the 4th wall with reckless abandonment, making full use of the audience like they’re an extension of their stage. This included singing and dancing on seats, and even sitting on crowd members’ laps (mine included)! This really amped up the rock and rollness of the show and the audience interactions only helped to enhance the experienced tenfold, creating an atmosphere that was thoroughly appreciated by all. Honestly, it was like a real rock show!
I honestly can’t praise the show enough. Just the way it takes you out of this world and into another is something to behold. All with banging music and lyrics, and an incredibly talented Australian cast. Hedwig’s story is powerful, and it’s one that should be told and celebrated across the lands. I think the directors said it best, “It’s not just a musical, it’s a full throttle boundary smasher” and I couldn’t agree more. If you don’t see this show, you really need to question your decisions!
Hedwig and the Angry Inch’s Adelaide season is currently running as part of Adelaide Festival at The Queen’s Theatre until March 15.
For more information and ticketing, visit:
Photography by Shane Reid.