Directed by Lars Henrik Ostenfeld, Into the Ice is a documentary film that follows three pioneering glacier experts from different parts of the world that embark on a journey to Greenland to obtain data about the country’s glaciers, which people know very little about, as well as unlocking clues to their climate future that could change the world.
One of my favourite things about this film is that it is very informative without bombarding you with an information overload. I didn’t know a lot the films’ subject matter, but the film was smart, informative, and easily held my interest. This is largely due to the glacier experts looking like they are having fun on their expedition, and they come across as people that you can relate to. Plus, you can tell that they care about what they are doing, how it can affect the environment and its future generations.
I also thoroughly enjoyed how visually stunning the ice and the glaciers looked in Greenland. Despite the serene views, there are some intense moments in the film as well, such as when the glacier experts go down a 200-metre ice hole. They are hanging by a rope and sometimes the camera is attached, so there are some unsettling moments where the camera is shaking, which can be a little difficult to watch at times because there is always the possibility that they could fall or end up trapped in the hole. But it does look very pretty and the ice that is in the hole is similar to the types of ice formations that you often see in movies and television shows.
The size and beauty of Greenland is captured very well on camera, and it looks like it would be a wonderful place to visit, even though the parts of Greenland that they filmed at would be freezing, I believe that witnessing with your own eyes the beautiful scenery would more than make up for it.
There are some sad moments though that I can’t go into too much detail without spoiling part of the film, but what I will say is that these glacier experts are risking their lives when they go on their expeditions and even though they are professionals, it doesn’t mean that things can’t go wrong from time to time. There was a profound moment where one of the glacier experts were sharing that he has had a good life and has done some amazing things, that if something were to wrong, he would have no regrets. This really put into perspective how much they risk their lives going on these expeditions, that of which will hopefully make the world a better place.
Into the Ice is a documentary film that is both entertaining and educational with a visually stunning, awe-inspiring backdrop that will keep you thoroughly engaged for the film’s entire duration.
Into the Ice will be showing as part of the Sydney Film Festival on the 11th, 15th, and 18th of June 2022.
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