Linda (for one more week) {Melbourne Fringe} – Comedy Review

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

What happens when you die?

One theory is you are transported to the great pearly gates of heaven where you are greeted with open arms. However, what would you do if you arrived and were told that you’re a week early? Would you go back to your everyday life, just counting the days? Or would you shake shit up and do whatever you wanted, even if it was against the instructions of the angels above?

Well, wonder no more! Andy Balloch and Justin Porter are here to answer all your questions with a brand-new show at this years Melbourne Fringe titled, Linda (for one more week).

Starting with Porter as Stu (short for Stubert) and Balloch as Tony (short for Tony), dressed in glittery golden gowns adorned with a fluffy halo, the pair welcome us into the Meeting Room at Melbourne’s Trades Hall. As patrons take their seats, the duo appear to be checking everyone off a list, making sure we are all here. Apparently, we are all here because we are all dead and this is the orientation session for the afterlife.

However, during the introductions, we are interrupted by an announcement: a late arrival has just walked in, Ms Linda Deveraux. Perplexed by Linda’s arrival and frantically checking their lists, it appears that Linda is early. A whole week early to be exact. Stu and Tony send Linda back to the land of the living but warn her not to make any dramatic choices. Knowing she only has a week to live, Linda does exactly that!

Linda’s one more week is told through a series of sketches performed by the duo. And whilst Linda isn’t actually performed by either of the two, her presence is most certainly noted when needed.

Kicking off with Linda back at her job during a function celebrating her 25th anniversary at the company, Harris’n’Ford Meat Co. Her bosses, Harris and Ford go on to explain how the company grew from humble beginnings of selling ‘questionable’ meat from the back of a truck to the large corporation it is today, and how the only way they are still in operation is because the statute of limitations has passed – nothing can be proven about what they were actually selling to the filthy rich.

After the enormous success of the business, Harris and Ford are presenting Linda with a ‘big’ reward for her dedicated 25 years of service in the form of a $150 voucher to use only within the company. Disgusted with the reward, and in the dramatic fashion that angels Stu and Tony warned her against, Linda quits her job and goes on a weeklong cruise!

Andy Balloch and Justin Porter are quickly becoming my favourite sketch comedy duo. After being completely blown away by their fully improvised show ‘Gays of Our Lives’, I was excited to see how the pair would fair with a show that has a very clear narrative. And boy, I wasn’t disappointed!

There are almost too many personas to mention, but some of my favourites are the rise and fall of Deborah and Deborah of the Double-D Spa that reached for Diamond Status among the other cruise ship vendors. The technically inept clairvoyants Tabitha and Janice Cromwell. Plus, lifeguard bros, Brad and Chad in their quest to win an ever elusive Cruisy Award.

Even though Linda (for one more week) is a scripted show, however loosely scripted it actually is, it was clear there are still aspects of improvisation thrown into the mix. I could tell because of the way Balloch would react to some of the lines from Porter, almost as if he wasn’t expecting them to be said. This makes for a show that is perfectly structured for chaos which had me laughing my arse off!

Their costumes for each skit were simple, yet incredibly effective and clever. Combined with the changes in their voices and even their body language, I was never lost as to which set of characters were on stage at any given time.

Even when Porter forgot to remove his lifesaver whistle, this resulted in some hilarious unscripted moments as he tried to cover the prop and not so subtly remove it. This is exactly the sort of comedy I have come to expect from Balloch and Porter. When shit goes off the rails, they roll with the punches and make the most of the situation at hand. Never taking themselves too seriously, this dynamic duo is just having as much fun performing as we are watching them.

Andy Balloch and Justin Porter are true masters of their craft, and I am convinced there is nothing they cannot do. Well, almost. Andy, I love you, and I mean this in the most endearing way possible, but you as a ‘lifeguard gym bro’ is just weird. You’re just too fabulous!

Justin, I love how you like to push the boundaries with Andy. Whilst there might be a script, seeing you try to break Andy is becoming one of my favourite things about these shows. It makes it incredibly enjoyable to watch.

Linda (for one more week) is the perfect mix of chaos and joy. Together, these two are a force of nature. Everything they produce is pure gold and I cannot wait for whatever madness they create next!

Linda (for one more week) is a show that you cannot miss! With only a few shows left, currently playing at the Meeting Room in Trades Hall as part of 2024 Melbourne Fringe and ending on Sunday the 20th of October, unlike Linda, there are no second chances to catch this show!

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