Michelle Brasier: Legacy {Melbourne International Comedy Festival} – Comedy Review

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Michelle Brasier is a powerhouse in her new show ‘Legacy’. Despite Brasier being a popular performer at this year’s comedy festival, admittedly this was my first exposure to her talents.

Walking into the upstairs performance room of Comedy Republic, the atmosphere was filled with catchy 90s pop music with the likes of Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys blaring through the speakers. On one side of the stage sat Tim Lancaster, patiently waiting in the darkness, and discretely lip-synching to the 90s music (it was Backstreet Boys’ ‘The Call’ if you’re wondering) while holding his acoustic guitar. On the other side of the stage stood a single keyboard that was ready and waiting for Brasier.

Although not at the keyboard yet, Michelle Brasier was already on stage, happily chatting to the patrons that entered. Watching her work the room as people took to their seats, I listened as she asked people what their names were. Her objective? To try find another person with the exact same name. As Brasier continuously did this, cheering whenever patrons with the same first name found each other, she would equally be as disappointed upon learning that they didn’t share the same last name as well.

This is where ‘Legacy’ starts. ‘Legacy’is an intricate story through health, travel, identity, self-love, self-affirmation, feminism, ‘What if?’, and the mystery of a proximity namesake. Brasier has it all! With well-written and dynamic storytelling, fast-paced delivery, and booming vocals to match, Brasier reflects on her life as a millennial, taking us on a journey through her passions and dreams whilst questioning her past decisions along the way.

With sufficient sliding door moments that Gwyneth Paltrow would be both proud and envious of, Brasier addresses everything. She wonders about occupations she could have had, alternate dreams she could’ve fulfilled, life choices that may have transformed her into a different person entirely, and she does this all with the perfect combination of confidence and vulnerability.

Brasier provides the audience with so much detail, growth, and stage presence, she even works the absolute edges of the room to make sure that her tale comes across clearly, and it’s honestly hard to not be in awe of her. As Brasier unravels her journey and the mystery of a person with the same name that goes to the same cinema, as well the $10.50 that rightfully belongs to the other woman, you cannot help but be captivated. At one point, I felt that I was in the airplane with her.

Surprisingly, Brasier isn’t the only one that has been obsessed with a namesake. I must confess that I found her story quite relatable. When Facebook was still somewhat shiny and new, I found myself on the social media platform befriending fellow namesakes across the world. Honestly, I was in awe of so many of us sharing the same name. It was cool, right? There was even a namesake that went to the same clinic as me. But at times, I felt inferior in comparison when discovering some of their jobs. Some were doctors, some were presenters in the entertainment industry, some spoke multiple languages, and yet I was just me.

Brasier deep dives into this emotional journey and it’s as serious as it is funny. There’s a lot to love about Michelle Brasier and I can’t imagine anyone not having a good time at her show. My only criticisms were that despite the door stating that her beloved dog would make an appearance, the doggo was happily sleeping at home that night. It was also very difficult to hear Brasier at times. Due to the seating surrounding the stage, Brasier did her best to make sure every side received some attention and love from her. Unfortunately, because of this, I couldn’t understand what she was saying when she was speaking and facing the opposite direction. This was a minor thing though and more due to the venue than the show itself.

Overall, Michelle Brasier’s legacy is safe and sound. She is incredible and her new show ‘Legacy’s is well worth the hype and admission. It left me with a lot to ponder but also with a huge smile on my face. I’m ashamed that this was my first time seeing Brasier in her element! Although I am sad thinking about her past works that I missed out on, I’ll definitely be there for whatever else she brings to the stage in the not too distance future. Michelle Brasier’s power is undeniable and I wouldn’t be surprised if she was good at pretty much everything.

Michelle Brasier’s ‘Legacy’ is now playing at the 2023 Melbourne International Comedy Festival until April 23. Tickets are selling fast so grab yours before she leaves Melbourne.
For more information and ticketing, visit:

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