Spider-Man: Far From Home – Film Review

Continuing on from the events and repercussions of Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man: Far From Home follows Tom Holland’s character Peter Parker as he embarks on a school international trip around Europe with his friends, classmates and teachers while pining for his crush, dodging Nick Fury’s calls, second guessing Happy’s intentions with his aunt and longing for a normal life.

Like many of us, as fans, we are still in shock from the loss of Iron Man. So, one can only imagine the deep pain, shock and loss that Peter Parker must feel. Not from only losing Iron Man, but a father figure in Tony Stark as well. So, when Peter desires to leave his suit behind at home to frolic overseas with his friends, honestly, can you blame him?

Even though Peter is Spider-Man and a superhero, many of his allies seem to have forgotten that Peter is still just a kid. With his guard up and his mood down, Peter finds comfort in his new confidant Quentin Beck played by Jake Gyllenhaal. Appearing approachable, kind and trustworthy, Peter lets his walls down around Beck, sharing his frustrations and desires of just wanting to be himself, live a normal life, hang with his friends and express his romantic feelings to Zendaya’s character MJ. Unfortunately for Peter, although opening to someone is the right move, Beck is the wrong person for the job. Beck not only understands Peter’s struggles, he exploits them. With the fear of being discovered by the people that he loves; Peter must learn from his decisions to focus on saving the world and essentially himself.

Spider-Man: Far From Home was highly anticipated following after Endgame and while the film predecessor and Iron Man are both big shoes to fill, Far From Home doesn’t disappoint. Although there are evidently very deep and serious themes, the film still manages to sustain the quirky humour that made the original (Spider-Man: Homecoming) so beloved.

Tom Holland is even more brilliant in his portrayal as Peter Parker/Spider-Man this time around. Now as an emotionally wounded soldier who just wants the life he once had before he enlisted in the fight against Thanos, Holland’s performance is so natural and relatable to the point where I found Peter’s anxiety eventually becoming my own as the story unfolded.

Although Tom Holland’s on-screen chemistry with Jacob Batalon is missed as Peter and Ned’s relationship is not as pivotal in comparison to the first Spider-Man film, Holland’s chemistry with Zendaya is a welcome change with their characters Peter and MJ both being awkwardly adorable. Samuel L. Jackson is intimidating as always in his role as Nick Fury, Happy Hogan played by Jon Favreau appears to be softer and kinder Post-Thanos, and Marisa Tomei appears surprisingly happier in the moments we see her on-screen as Aunt May. But it is Jake Gyllenhaal as Quentin Beck/Mysterio that is so impressive with his performance, he almost steals the show. Gyllenhaal plays the villain so well; one would think that his silver tongue ways would probably persuade you too.

Visually, the action sequences were so electrifying and being accompanied by a flawless score composed by Michael Giacchino, it’s no surprise that Spider-Man: Far From Home kept me captivated and held me on the edge of my seat. The music, special effects, costuming, talented cast and relatable emotional narrative have all married together perfectly to create a solid superhero film. Yes, believe me when I say it – Spider-Man: Far From Home is really that damn good.

Spider-Man Far From Home is out now in all good friendly neighbourhood cinemas near you.

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