Theatrical.: A Chorus Line – Theatre Review

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

For those who have not seen A Chorus Line before, I feel it’s helpful to know going into it: this is a concept musical. The entire show takes place in the same location, almost in the same moment. It is not plot-heavy and is instead about the individual characters, their stories, and the themes behind their songs.

A ‘chorus’ itself is a united front, perfectly in time, with the idea that a single individual should not be standing out. This show explores the contrast between the individuality expressed in the audition room, everything that came before, and the blending of a successful chorus group. As well, there are several points of commentary made about careers in the performing arts as a whole.

A Chorus Line, with music by Marvin Hamlisch, lyrics by Edward Kleban, and a book by James Kirkwood Jr. and Nicholas Dante, originally started Off-Broadway in 1975, is an interesting production to stage in 2024. Certain parts of the dialogue seemed to affect audience members in different ways. Some lines that struck as sad or touching for a large portion of the audience, for others seemed to be a punchline and induced laughter. It was unique and fresh theatre when first produced, however I think some older shows can really illustrate changes in audience attitudes and opinions.

Directed by Tahra Cannon, our show takes place on an undressed Broadway stage with a keen group of performers all vying for the select spots in the chorus to the familiar ‘I Hope I Get It’. After a first round of cuts, we meet our group who will be competing in the next round for their place. I will admit, not being familiar with the structure of the show, I found myself waiting for the story to start after the introductions of these characters. However, the show is about how each of these individuals have a story to tell.

The cast have a lot of energy to give, with every performer putting their best efforts forward. There were some real standout performers including Jerome Eccleston as Bobby, delivering hilarious monologue, and in the moments when he was not speaking, kept the audience laughing with his physical comedy. Teresa Giansiracusa as Diana displayed strong and powerful vocals and is definitely one to keep an eye on future. Sherylee Campbell as Kristine had an undeniable confidence on stage, consistently keeping the audience engaged. While Nathan Fernandez provided a touching and powerful delivery of his character Paul’s story.

I believe, before abandoning this show to the past, there could be an opportunity in future to refresh the script for a more modern audience, as many seemed confused whether to watch it as a slice of history or to judge it in the current era. This production of A Chorus Line has cast of some fantastic actors and singers. However, the show is also very dance-heavy and while the cast energetically carried out the choreography, it wasn’t quite up to the standard of believably that every single person on stage was the best of the best competing for their place in a Broadway production.

The final number ‘One’, the most visually recognisable and entertaining moment of A Chorus Line, brought the performers together to sparkle in unison under the stage lights. Unfortunately, during the performance I attended, there were audio issues throughout the night. But kudos to the performers for their professionalism despite this, remaining in character for the show’s entirely. Some of the audio mixing also made it hard to hear certain performers, when others should have been at background audio levels, or the music was loud over single performers.

Overall, Theatrical.’s A Chorus Line happily brings to the National Theatre until September 22 an entertaining tale of a talented group of performers that explore their entertainment careers, their individuality, their past, their future, and their moment in the spotlight.

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Photography by Nicole Cleary.

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