Vidya Rajan & Mel McGlensey debut as a comedy duo with their show Greg at the MICF

Rising stars of alt-comedy, Vidya Rajan & Mel McGlensey are multi-award-winning comedians and writers with a talent for everything silly, dark and strange.

Recently, Vidya was part of the core ensemble of Aunty Donna’s Coffee Cafe and won an AWGIE for her comedy writing for SBS, while Mel’s hit clown show ’Mel McGlensey is MOTORBOAT’ won the Best Comedy overall award at Adelaide Fringe and a Golden Gibbo nomination at Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2024.  

In 2025, they’re excited to bring you GREG – their debut show as a comedy duo made with love (and a little horror) for people named Greg.

Both Greg and non-Greg audience members can expect an hour of high-octane absurdity, sketch and clown as Mel & Vidya attempt to answer the eternal question: 

can two women crawl out of their hole and achieve the world’s greatest dream

 – an hour of reasonably priced alternative comedy?? 

You be the Greg of that.

Directed by Sharnema Nougar.

Sound Design by Xanthea O’Connor.

Vidya Rajan 

The Age 
“An experience all her own…Rajan injects the concept with steroids.”

Time Out 
“Absurd and delightful physical comedy … absolute gold.” 

Time Out 
“A master of sketch… .” 

Mel McGlensey 

Lilithia Reviews 
“Smart, funny, bold and fearless.” 

The Age
“A glorious feat of clowning, buffoonery and pushing the boundaries.” 

Beat Magazine
“Talented, quick and witty… a truly funny entertainer.” 

Tickets on sale now at

Melbourne Comedy Festival
Dates:              Tuesday 8 – Sunday 20 April
Time:                9:10pm (Sunday 8:10pm)
Venue:              Chinese Museum
Tickets:             from $28

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